Geography at Huish


“The study of Geography is about more than just memorising places on a map.  It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together"

Barack Obama

Our Vision

At Huish, we believe that Geography plays a unique and vital role in a child’s education.

Geography at Huish seeks to give children knowledge and understanding of their own place in the world and of the other peoples and cultures they share it with. We will seek to impart in children a wonder and interest in the natural and man-made phenomenon that occur around us.

We believe that not only should the Geographical skills and knowledge outlined in the Primary Curriculum be rigorously taught, but that this learning should occur in context so that children steadily gain geographical and cultural understanding through applying these skills. This should enable them to make links between the characteristics of places and societies and the geographical situation of where these places and societies flourish.

We want all of our children to understand physical and human aspects of Geography. What is more, our pupils should understand the links between these aspects, the issues that arise when these links are studied and the ever-increasing importance of these links in the modern world. To this end, we will engage our children with contemporary issues such as climate change, plastic waste and conservation, and will outline how these crucial issues may be approached.

We will endeavour to use case studies to engage children and to provide context for Geographical enquiry. We will use “real” Geographical resources, such as maps, photographs, videos and personal accounts to help children “get under the skin of [the] people and places” they study. Fieldwork is of vital importance in making Geographical concepts real; at Huish we appreciate that can occur in our locality.

Above all, we will seek to give learning Geography a purpose to children at Huish. This purpose will be manifest in the understanding and connection built with other people and places, the usefulness of the skills we teach and the opportunities to produce end-of-unit  pieces of work to share and be proud of.We believe a strong Health and Relationships curriculum helps children to develop social and personal attributes, which results in them being secure in their well-being. This in turn helps them to feel safe and confident to achieve in school and fulfill their potential academically.

School Coverage Grid

Year R  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6



People who help us

Animals in the Garden

What are the three types of transport?

Polar Bears or penguins?

Where in the world is China

Is it really round? (Maps and globes)

What is there around me?

Where do we go on Safari?

Where does our lunch come from?

Why are rainforests so important?

Why does the Earth rumble?

How is Catalonia different to the rest of Spain?

What could we find on a river's journey?

What is life like in India?

Where on Earth is California?

Why do natural disasters happen?

Skills Progression

Vocabulary Progression

Geography Skills Progression

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